Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Stupid Word


Recently, while getting coffee with a friend at a neighborhood eatery, I ran into a man, a musician I knew, from our local open mic. I said ‘hello how are you,’ and all I got in return was a gruff shake of
his head, and a look of annoyance as he passed me by. I looked at my friend with  surprise and query, and she simply said, ‘oh, don’t mind him, he’s just very lonely,.’ Yesterday, someone told me that he had died of some sort of prescription drug overdose, possibly suicide.
Lonely, is one of the stupidest words in the English language. It in no way describes  the depth of the  meaning as it really is. It sounds trite, and diminutive to call someone lonely or even say ’ I’m lonely.’ It reminds me of a  a nickname, like ‘Suzie,’ or ‘Ricky,’ cute, happy sounding names, that are short and unimportant.

So instead of saying lonely, let’s say what the dictionary defines it as, for instance: affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone;
destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, or support.
I think that is more like what this poor wretch was living with, that contributed to his demise.

And by the way, this cute little word is also a death knell to a conversation of any type. In this modern world, it seems unacceptable for anyone to admit to being lonely, yet I know lots of people who are, and find it hard to do anything about. If we can’t even say this stupid word in describing a feeling to someone else how can we possibly admit that things are so wrong in our life at the moment and admit to feeling ,’destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship?’ I, for one will start using the later as a means of expressing my isolation and gripping fear of abandonment.

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