At a very low point in my life, after I had lost my husband to cancer, and found that no matter how much time had passed, I could never find any peace or joy in anything except my dogs, I made several trips to England, the land of my ancestors. I had traveled there before, most notably on our honeymoon, and my husband and I had visited the area where my ancestors lived. We touched their walls, and walked in their paths. I wanted to return and find a connection to all of my past, not only with my husband, but with my ancestors, since I have very little in the way of a living family. I believed that if I touched the walls of medieval castles, I would connect with these departed 'family members,' and feel some calm and peace. I don't really know why I believed this so deeply, other than the grief drove me to desperation of seeking a spiritual way to find my way out of the pain and loneliness. I touched many castles on that first trip; Ludlow Castle, Shrewsbury Castle, Carlisle Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Tower of London, the city walls of York and the city wall of London. Guess what???? It did not work at all! I was as miserable and lost as before I had the idea that this would work to heal me. A few months later I made another trip and visited other places and touched more castles, and then another, when I stayed six months and touched even more, still clinging to this belief that it would cure me of my depression, and help me to find my way in the world again. It never worked. Maybe I did not allow it to, but I did feel the connection with my ancestors, and with my husband, so at least in the spirit world, I was definitely not alone, even if I was in the living world. Maybe it just took time to seep into me, and fade the nervousness and sleeplessness I had for so long. I'm still very glad I toured all of those English castles, and more. Maybe seeing them did help me, because I got out and saw something fantastic, instead of just staying in my house and suffering alone. The medieval structures of the past brought me back out into the world of the present again.
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