Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Stay Calm

     When I was getting very low, just around Christmastime last year, and wondering how I could free myself from an unhappy relationship, I kept having a thought of my departed husband being in a bookstore he used to frequent, and felt he was there, waiting for me.  I drove past the place several times in a week, and felt such a pull, that I wanted to stop and see if there were anything to explore, or see.
     One day I made up my my mind to go there, stopped, and walked around the building, now occupied by other businesses, and went to the window where once a large history section used to be.  I did not see anything with my earthly eyes, but felt that he was there, a book in hand, and looking over his glasses at me from out of the window. I had been crying so much that week, and felt the tears flowing again, until I heard him in my mind, saying to me,"stay calm." There was no other message from him.
    Staying calm was the last thing on my mind, as patience has never been my strong point. I was hurt, angry, lonely, and trapped, and I wanted some sort of revelation about what I could do, immediately, to wriggle out of my current situation. But nothing else was said. He was looking at me, still, as if he intended that I take his words seriously. "Stay calm."
    Oddly, and very unlike me, I stopped crying, walked away, and felt a strange sense of peace. Four months later, as I write this, I still see him, and hear his words, and it has kept me strangely tranquil in the middle of an on going tempest in my daily life. I believe the impact of this vision will keep reminding me to return to this state of calm, at least until I am able to take action and end a failing relationship, which  I can't repair, and which robs me of my energy.
    When I have experiences that I can't explain, I simply leave it at that. I don't try to explain it away, by saying I was tired or distraught, or that in my grief I  only wished that I would have such an experience.  Nor do I insist it was really the spirit of my husband coming to comfort me. It was otherworldly, whether in in my subconscious,  or from God's hand. I just remind myself that there is a lot out there we don't know about, and that is explanation enough for this very powerful vision. I will put my feet up and wait until the moment is right, all on its own, and do little to rush it, which may cause everyone more pain.
Sky Blue Wulf, calmly waiting...

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